Navigate to the Team Page by clicking on the page title in the Navigation bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes this is found under the About dropdown menu at the top.
Once on the team page, on the left hand side under Edit This Page, click on Add New Staff.
Fill in the information of the staff member that you would like to add.
Marking the staff member as Featured will have their bio always appear first in the list of staff members
If the staff member works on specific services, check the box for Associate this staff member with services and check all applicable services.
To add a photo of the staff member, click Choose File under the Headshot option to pick a previously saved photo from your computer. We recommend uploading photos that are at least 800 pixels wide but no more than 15 mb in size. Please double-check the size of your image before uploading.
If your photo is smaller than 800 pixels you can still add it by checking the Allow Smaller Image box.
Alternative Text is a way for screen readers and search engines to get a better idea of what is in the photo. This is usually a short description of what is in the photo.
Bio is where you can place the bio and information about the staff member. If copying and pasting the bio into the text editor, highlight the text and hit the remove format button on the top left of the text editor box to match the text formatting to the rest of the website.
Hitting submit will make the new bio live on the site. If you added a headshot, the platform will ask you to crop your image before it is uploaded.