How Do I Add a Service Page?

  1. Click on the services tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. On the left hand side, click add a new service.
  3. Fill out all blanks
    1. There is a visual guide on the right side of the screen in a gray box. Each text box is outlined in red to show you where they will appear on the page once it’s created. Use the visual guide to help you decide what you would like to place on each part of the page.
    2. It is important to fill out each box with unique text so that the text on this page isn’t duplicated from anywhere else on your website.
  4. Add images
    1. You can add a customer banner image at the top under banner options
    2. You can also add images directly in the main text box of the page in conjunction with text.
    3. Image to display on the main service page
  5. Once you have filled out all of the text boxes and added any photos that you would like, the submit button will make the newly created service page live on the site and create an additional drop down for it under the service navigation bar.