On the service page, bring your cursor over to the left and click on “Edit This Page” then click on “Edit”.
Scroll down to “ Banner Options”
Click “Browse” to upload your file (minimum file size 1800 pixels wide, max 15 mb). If you can’t meet those size requirements click on “Allow smaller image”, but the best bet is to use an image 1800 x 600 pixels.
After uploading the image, scroll down and hit “Submit”
Click “OK” on the pop up that says “Your content and image were saved. Please proceed to crop your image.”
Crop for 1800 x 600. If you can’t meet that size, click on “Allow Smaller Image” in the crop window. Hit “Save Crop”.
After the crop is done, hit “OK” on the pop up that says “Your cropped image has been saved”